"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." - La Rochefoucauld

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Shopping Tip of the Week:
Consider Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil is a great alternative to vegetable oil. It can withstand high heat and be used for baking, salad dressings, and pan-frying. I use it for anything that calls for vegetable oil. Making brownies, cup cakes, etc. You can't tell the difference at all. Its one more small baby step to better health.


emily said...

when harper was little, i took her to an infant massage class, and the teacher used grape seed oil for the massage oil. i also found another great use on the internet for grape seed oil- eye makeup remover! it works great!

christina said...

danielle, when baking do you sub the grapeseed oil 1 for 1 for canola/veg oil? I was looking at the back of it today and it said that typically you only need 1/2 as much for the same results??

Learning As I Go Blog said...

Ya know...I have always done 1 for 1....and my baked good always turn out good. I may try to cut back next time to see if it still tastes the same. I did not know that...