"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." - La Rochefoucauld

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

25 Weeks 3 Days

GREAT NEWS!!! We bought another week!! Today is a day I couldn’t wait to update the blog!!! Ben grew 4.5 ounces and Jake grew 5 ounces. Their weight discordance went from 30% to 27%. They both continue to grow at their own curve, which is so important. Ben is 1 pound 2 ounces and Jake is 1 pound 9 ounces. I think I overestimated what I thought they should be...the important thing is that my little guy is GROWING!!! ! And my big guy continues to thrive!!!

The doctor said the fluid also looked great. He continues to be encouraged with the activity level. Ben really is a wild man! Ben’s doppler was abnormal again but no change, which was good. One theory on why he has an abnormal flow is that maybe his cord is smaller then it should be. This would not be so bad. One side effect of a smaller cord is a tiny belly button. We could handle that! :)

The drive home from these appointments is usually not fun. We have to call and give the updates and its pretty stressful trying to explain all the findings. However, today was FUN! It was so nice to call the fam and share good news for once.

Thanks for all of the nice comments yesterday. Thank you especially to John and Jenny Marie. Don’t know if the rest of the group knows, but these new friends of ours are complete strangers that have been so kind to help us through our journey. John’s girls survived TTTS and Jenny Marie’s son survived IUGR. Sadly, Jenny Marie lost her little girl to IUGR. They have been so kind to share their experiences with us. They have no idea the impact they have had on us. I have said over and over again, once this is over, I will do my best to help other families going through this. Another great family is the Finbergs!! When Kevin and I read their blog, we were inspired. They gave us the idea of documenting our journey. Thank you to all of you from the bottom of our hearts!!!


Christine said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am so happy that Ben and Jake are continuing to grow!!! The best rest, boost, prayers and the love surrounding you all is really really paying off!!!! Keep smiling Dani. You are really are a strong girl and just lean on us if you need more strength. We are here for you always.

GO BEN!!!!!!! GO JAKE!!!!!!!! Keep on growing. Aunt Christine cannot wait to see your precious faces.
Love u Kevin and Danielle!!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you all. :)

Thanks for the "shout out". I am thrilled to help.

Yaaaaaayyyyy!!! Grow little ones, grow!

Anonymous said...

Your news made my day! I love your spirit and faith.
Love you both
Jan and Tom

Rhonda said...

I'm so glad to "hear" the good news. I'm quite certain that we will one day be reading about your survivors, too. I loved seeing your pictures, too. Keep documenting your belly. You'll be glad you did. If you want some bedrest support, drop me an email. I've been a phone buddy for a couple other bedrest mommies that I've met online. I had my own buddy and she was a lifesaver. Take care and keep those babies cooking.

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Danielle,
I am so happy that this last appt went so well. Brandin and I continue to pray for you, as we have since we first heard the difficult news. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. I just know our little ones will all play together some day!
Love, Kandace

Anonymous said...

I have to say, my favorite part about our visit together yesterday was feeling BEN kick! It was such a wonderful feeling of LIFE!!!!! After I left, I thought of so many more things we have to talk about....it's always so nice spending time with you! Love, Maria

Anonymous said...

Hip, hip, horray for babies Ben and Jake!!! You got some strong boys growing in there so keep up the good work. I'm sure this report makes the Boost a little more torable :-) Hang in there. We are praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Last comment should have ended with "tolerable" not torable. Sorry, I'm tired and yes I'm a dork for correcting myself on your Blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hello my long lost roomie! I have read every last line of this blog and feel as though I know Ben and Jake so well!! I am excited to hear that their weight margin is decreasing and that Ben is progressing. I have had a crazy summer, but I think you and Kev take the cake. Can't wait to see you and catch up! I am so excited to meet Jake and Ben!!

Samantha said...

Danielle & Kevin... I just read through the journey you guys have had...wow- you guys are going to be incredible parents!! I think Ben and Jake are lucky to have parents that love them so much(: I know that once you get through this battle you can get through just about anything in life. Best of luck to you both!!
Love, Samantha (Bowman)

Kara said...

Congratulations on a great appointment. I will pray for Ben and Jake to continue their growth and health.

Danielle, I am also so glad that we have gotten in contact. It is nice to have another person to share in this emotional roller coaster. If you ever need a fellow bedrester to talk with, please do not hesitate to e-mail.

Praying for you and your family -

Kara and Josh

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iam so happy for all of you! Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

congrats on more great news!
we couldn't be happier for you guys! the boys are so strong and spirited....see, they take after you guys already!!!
love you both!
corey and adam

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle and Kevin,

Excellent news on the boys growing.
You're doing the right thing with bedrest and boost. When we went through this two years ago, we had found our faith again. Prayer is powerful.(I'm really not a preaher, but it helps).

The cord issue that Ben is having sounds like what my daughter Brooke
was going through. When we met
Dr. DeLia at Connor's run in Williamstown, MA, we told him our story and when we talked about the blood flow problem. He said one was all related to each other.
The IUGR usauly has a small cord which is usauly connected to the end of the placenta and most always has absent or no diastolic blood flow in the umbilical cord. What a nice man he is. We sat in the dining room of the Archibald's, another TTTS family who has a fund raiser every year for the TTTS foundation, and talked about everything. He was not arrogant at all, it was like talking to your best friend.
Some advice for the upcoming weeks,
try to see if you can get a tour of the NICU, just incase you deliver early, to prepare yourselves at what to expect.
My wife and I did it and we were glad we did. We got to see how things were run , some of the equipment, and meet the nurses, support staff, and the Neonatologist. We asked lots of questions and they answered everything. They also gave us a NICU packet to take home that explained the "BIG" medcal words and the rules of the NICU. Just some things to think about over the next couple of weeks.
Sorry for the long bla-bla-bla.
Get some rest.
OH, do you think the Tigers will let the Red Sox win today?
I hope so, it's Brooke & Rachels second birthday today.

If you have any questions, here is our e-mail, rnjwarner@aol.com.

Take care and praying for healthy babies,

John & Renee

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear good news. I've been praying for you all.
Loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

<))))>< Nancy

Anonymous said...

Danielle and Kevin...I just learned of your story from Shannon a couple weeks ago and then I talked with Nicole and she gave me this site to read up on. I am keeping all four of you in my prayers. Praise God that Ben and Jake are continuing to grow. God is so merciful. Hang in there you two...